
Pop Idol

HAPPY WEEKEND! It's been a busy week. Nothing too exciting or new to tell you. Quick recap of the week:

Mon-Fri: I worked (nothing new)
Thurs: started my new class
Sat (today): took a kickboxing class with friends (kicked my ass - and kick, and punch, now rest....) and finished a group paper due next week
My life sounds really fun, huh? - HA

Getting more and more anxious and more excited each and every day! You ask "why?" - well I have my tickets for something amazing and so should YOU! I cannot wait for this artist to kick major ass with their complete success on this tour. I've heard different song lineups and seeing some of their dance rehearsal photos - I don't care I don't care I don't care... all I care about is seeing them do what they do best on stage - perform their soul out! This is her year.

Yes that's right - Miss Pop Princess (may as well be called reigning Pop Queen) Britney! I'm lucky to have scored great floor tickets. I will have a camera (if I need to hide it I will - ha) - I will spend lots of money on her merch - I will mark this off my "things to do before I die list" (if I had one made).

Tour kickoff: 03/03/09
Countdown to my show: 50 days!

2007 VMAs: I love her anyway
Center of attention...

2008 GMA performance
Coming back lookin' delicious...


Happy Day

HI! Today has been a very good day.

Nothing special happened; however, I had a really nice day and I haven't had one of these in a while. Work went smooth, went to school to add a class and that went smooth, and now I'm home and someone very sweet bought me a gift - a new bag for school! Thank you Franky (there I put your name in my blog - ha).

This week I have school - it's changed. Weds and Thurs class now. Thurs class is at the Irvine Campus - kind of a bummer but not too bad. I have an excuse to go to the Spectrum now and do a little shopping now (oops). Even with our tough economy I'm still trying to forget the troubles by spending away my problems.... .... .. ..

I never thought that Mondays could turn out to be
O K A Y. Because of this good day, I share old pics of another good day in TJ/Rosarito (Mexico).

Meet Ninah - Pro Shot
Ain't no building high enough..Ain't no cerveza low enough
I love TACOS
Rebel in Disguise



This has been one long and short week. Does that make sense? Probably not, but it works. Been pretty busy with work and school. Went to gymnastics on Thursday (second week in a row - woo) and I'm loving it. Great workout and helps with my body conditioning and increase in strength. I'm currently learning how to do a front hand spring and MAN is it difficult to get.
The instructer (very cool man - Russian dude I'll call him VODKA since I'm not sure what his real name is). Anyhow, Vodka was really pushing all of us this week. Let me recap the events of last night at the gym with Vodka:
  • Started with a warm up/stretch workout (normal and going well) - BAM! My right cheek (and not the one on my face) cramps up within the first 10 mins of stretching and is solid like a rock.
  • We start to do tumbles and cartwheels and handstands (oh my) and that is only making things worse.
  • Aside from the pain in my ass (literally), I am working on my handstands that fall into a front handspring (Vodka's yelling "Put zho zhoulders back - ztraighten your legs") and trying to juggle everything to make it work. This is harder than it looks!
  • Bottom line - Still cannot do a front handspring but I am getting the hang of it - sort of.

Enough workout talk, I'm ready to enjoy my weekend. Plans - none yet. This is common. My friend Hemi said he wants to do something tomorrow night. Sounds fun and will probably do whatever something is. I will study. I will conquer this weekend. I will leave with some pictures of my bundle of JOY.

Meet Milo - Lost and Found (twice)
Much bigger in person
One last look - I can hear the "awww" now


At School..

..Right now. Down to business - Finished a paper within 20 minutes and got some paperwork to add a class that I am trying to enroll in. Enough politics - This week has been pretty great so far (as usual).

Monday 02/16 - Work. Visited my parents. Haven't seen them in about a month. It's always good to see them. Love them. Went home. Ate. About all.

Tuesday 02/17 - Work - had a potluck and was great. Asian food and am stuffed after eating around 15 egg rolls - ha. At school (currently). Logging off here, heading to Starbucks and then class.


Meet Dom (yipee..)

Hi my name is Dominic. Come and soar with me into past, present, and future adventures of my life - LOL I can't contain myself! How lame did that sound, really!? I have to somehow relate this photo of myself into this blog. Well, let me get back on track.

Again, my name is Dominic - I usually go by Dom (occasionally dumb, dummy, Daddy, you get it). Like this picture, I like excitement, adventure, and now that I look closer at this picture, I like when people in the background of my pictures are staring into my foreground ass (scratch and sniff). Ha. I also get off on tangents often. If you haven't been able to tell, you will.

I am an Advertising Major and Business Entrepreneur Minor. I study at CSU Fullerton. This is my first semester there as a transfer student from (dare I say) LB Community College - I LOVE my new school! I am 110% focused on school since I know what I want to do in my life. I will explain more of this in future blogs - I don't wanna spoil the Tale of Dom. Yeah - made that one up but sounds like an epic.... right? Back to school - I am very focused with school and am eager to get far in the Ad industry. This industry is my passion. Enough said for now.

I will make an effort to write at least once a week for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy the show (blog.... whatever!).