
ABSOLUTELY Advertising

So many great things happened today. I went the MAT Program held at Saatchi & Saatchi Ad Agency. This event was SPECTACULAR. It was worth every second going and has benefited me immensely. Let me provide a recap of today's glory:

  • 8:10am PT - Arrived and S&S. Grabbed my water and met a few girls from CSUF, CSUDH, CSUSD and USC (very nice)
  • 8:30am PT - Strategy Director at S&S gave a motivational speech and showed the overall impression companies are looking for
  • 9:00am PT - Two people from TBWA\Chiat\Day came and talked about a new Gatorade campaign that has been recently released (G-Bolt rebrand)
  • 10:00am-12:40pm PT - Three workshops (resume building, interview tips, and network/portfolio reviews [no portfolio.. yet]. These were extremely helpful and engaged everyone to think on their toes
  • 12:45pm PT - NETWORKED for about 30 mins with students, HR recruiters at ad agencies, Art Directors/Copywriters/Directors at ad agencies, and the list goes on
All in all I had a memorable and overall wonderful day. PLUS - the weather was more than perfect. It was in range of 70-75 degrees all day. What else could I ask for? Oh, one thing - AN INTERNSHIP!

I have also learned about another ad agency which I have already began to look into and I LOVE - CREW CREATIVE. Their agency follows the creative development of the movie industry [posters, commercials, trailers, etc, etc....] 

my newest addiction

I am 168% sure that I have made the right choice in my career/industry choice and am focused to learn more on the cre-a-tive side of Advertising. Night.

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