2010: New Year. New Blog.
Change to the BLOGGGG
Year Zoooooms!
Ready to Make GREAT Changes
Feeling Anguish
It's been a LOOONG while but I'm here.. I'll write more soon. Miss it here. Need to express :]
Healthy Intern
No SWINE for me.......... ha. PS - I emailed my cover letter/resume to CREW CREATIVE today for an intern position in Strategic Development. CC is in Venice - far but lovely. Wish me luck!

Are We There Yet?
Speaking of becoming ill, I am beginning to wonder about the Swine FLU (cute name). Looks like WHO[World Health Org] just escalated the flu to a PHASE-5 which is one step closer to a worldwide PANDEMIC. The word pandemic FREAKS me out.. I hope that with all of our advancements and technology, we can prevent this from getting worse and be able to contain the virus. Interesting story from CNN about the "Oink Oink Disease" [I know this is nothing to joke about, but I'm trying to look at some positive ha]
Not all complaints/scares however. I have had a pretty good week in the sense that I have netwercked with HR recruiters at a couple of agencies and getting my name/resume/______ out there and have received some replies back - I can taste an internship!
ABSOLUTELY Advertising
- 8:10am PT - Arrived and S&S. Grabbed my water and met a few girls from CSUF, CSUDH, CSUSD and USC (very nice)
- 8:30am PT - Strategy Director at S&S gave a motivational speech and showed the overall impression companies are looking for
- 9:00am PT - Two people from TBWA\Chiat\Day came and talked about a new Gatorade campaign that has been recently released (G-Bolt rebrand)
- 10:00am-12:40pm PT - Three workshops (resume building, interview tips, and network/portfolio reviews [no portfolio.. yet]. These were extremely helpful and engaged everyone to think on their toes
- 12:45pm PT - NETWORKED for about 30 mins with students, HR recruiters at ad agencies, Art Directors/Copywriters/Directors at ad agencies, and the list goes on
Moving Forward
WISH ME LUCK - wish me fame and fortune.
Only 4 weeks left of school. This semester definitely Z O O M E D by. I met great people and professors. So far, I love my campus. Go CSUF. :]
Euphoric Feeling
Plus, Franky and I met BRETT - [her] assistant. This counts as meeting someone that directly knows [her] Britney (ha). PCD performed as well and they were very entertaining as well (surprisingly). Her star quality has never gone away and she will always be a L E G E N D in my books.
Britney if you are reading this- kidding I'm not that lame (or am I?).
Get Naked
(Take it off, take it off....)
Weights and Waiting
BRITNEY concert tonight! So excited and have been waiting for this to happen for over 4 months. All eyes on me I'm the center of the ring........ night!

Life is Wonderful
- I sent out my first Intern Resume to an Ad company in Irvine. They are Earthbound Media Group and are primarily online advertising. This sounds like a really exciting opportunity and start getting my feet wet (GET ME DRENCHED!) and I am crossing my fingers and toes that I get in (eek!).
- I just sent out a spot for the Advertising Career Development Day at Saatchi&Saatchi LA. This is a workshop that will help build my resume and also help meet those in the AD industry. This is another wonderful opportunity to n e t w o r k and put my name out there and meet new people.... It's time to start building a portfolio!
A Sigh of Relief
Misery Comes in Pairs
Dream Becoming Reality
CREATIVE! I knew that is really what I've wanted to get into, but wasn't too sure of it. I am now very confident this is the right industry (110%), and more importantly, the side of the business for me. I am jumping with JOY right now (wee)! I know I have the edge, passion, and right approach to the creative side of advertising.
I have also had a very productive week - been focusing on studying (midterms - boo) and work has been going well. Okay, I really cannot get off of this "accomplishment" of knowing exactly what it is I want to do. I feel like I've been promoted in the career path world (I know that sounds lame). Thanks for everyone who has been motivating and encouraging me, hearing me out, and all in between. I can taste this. The dream is becoming closer to reality. I AM A CREATIVE! Good day.
A Gentle Man
Happy Friday - this week has flown by (zoooooom). I had a great week; worked out intensely with Franky (thank you for pushing me) at the gym. We have a fitness magazine subscription and use it for our workouts. What was the highlight of my week was one of our workouts that we participated at the gym. The class was full of women (also one guy) and us. This older gentle man that was instructing the class was hilarious - Michael Jackson meets Richard Simmons (scary x100).
It was a pretty good workout - legs mostly. Had more fun with the entertaining voice of this man - very memorable.
Life's a Journey
Work is work. Day after day the work load is consistently busy. I can't complain because it pays the bills and I am in a secure spot. Thank the Payroll Gods.
Introducing ADP
ADP is a Payroll/HR company that provides solutions to clients in these specific areas of need. I work as a Solution Center Consultant and am responsible for some of the biggest names in business. I build rapport and assist my client base with questions regarding Payroll and HR items. I've been with my company for over 4 years now, and started at a pretty young age. I am fortunate to have found a company this secure and this credible to work for and gain experience and knowledge that will be the foundation of my career in Advertising. One may ask, How does Payroll relate at all to Advertising? There are two, possibly three answers to this.
- These two have no relation at all in terms of the industry/work
- They relate tremendously in terms of the relationship building aspect
- ADP contains the letters AD in their name - just like advertising does! (lol)
I work closely with clients and work to build relationships internally and externally. Because I want to get into the Ad Industry, this is a great asset and quality to have since eventually this will be my everyday strategy in my career.. thank you ADP (ha).
I plan to go to San Diego this Saturday with my friend (perhaps more..) Franky and some of his friends that he dances with. It sounds like alot of fun and am anxious to get away for the day. Need to get out the routine (I call it bad habit) and do something new and refreshing.
Hooray for something new - a new journey (have to tie it all together)
What a Week
Other the flip side, school went very well this week. I received a quiz back and aced it in my Advertising class! I had a debate in my Ethics and Technology class and did very well (at least I think so). I was pumped this week and am loving my school more and more.
This week has flown by and I cannot wait to relax this weekend. I think I've made plans to hang out with people and I want to keep myself as busy as possible. I'm starting to slack off when it comes to blogging here - I need to increase my efforts to keep my viewers entertained (ha)!
I leave you with random pictures that I find to make me smile. Hope that makes two of us.
Pop Idol
Mon-Fri: I worked (nothing new)
Thurs: started my new class
Sat (today): took a kickboxing class with friends (kicked my ass - and kick, and punch, now rest....) and finished a group paper due next week
My life sounds really fun, huh? - HA
Getting more and more anxious and more excited each and every day! You ask "why?" - well I have my tickets for something amazing and so should YOU! I cannot wait for this artist to kick major ass with their complete success on this tour. I've heard different song lineups and seeing some of their dance rehearsal photos - I don't care I don't care I don't care... all I care about is seeing them do what they do best on stage - perform their soul out! This is her year.
Yes that's right - Miss Pop Princess (may as well be called reigning Pop Queen) Britney! I'm lucky to have scored great floor tickets. I will have a camera (if I need to hide it I will - ha) - I will spend lots of money on her merch - I will mark this off my "things to do before I die list" (if I had one made).
Tour kickoff: 03/03/09
Countdown to my show: 50 days!

2008 GMA performance
Coming back lookin' delicious...
Happy Day
Nothing special happened; however, I had a really nice day and I haven't had one of these in a while. Work went smooth, went to school to add a class and that went smooth, and now I'm home and someone very sweet bought me a gift - a new bag for school! Thank you Franky (there I put your name in my blog - ha).
This week I have school - it's changed. Weds and Thurs class now. Thurs class is at the Irvine Campus - kind of a bummer but not too bad. I have an excuse to go to the Spectrum now and do a little shopping now (oops). Even with our tough economy I'm still trying to forget the troubles by spending away my problems.... .... .. ..
I never thought that Mondays could turn out to be O K A Y. Because of this good day, I share old pics of another good day in TJ/Rosarito (Mexico).
- Started with a warm up/stretch workout (normal and going well) - BAM! My right cheek (and not the one on my face) cramps up within the first 10 mins of stretching and is solid like a rock.
- We start to do tumbles and cartwheels and handstands (oh my) and that is only making things worse.
- Aside from the pain in my ass (literally), I am working on my handstands that fall into a front handspring (Vodka's yelling "Put zho zhoulders back - ztraighten your legs") and trying to juggle everything to make it work. This is harder than it looks!
- Bottom line - Still cannot do a front handspring but I am getting the hang of it - sort of.
Enough workout talk, I'm ready to enjoy my weekend. Plans - none yet. This is common. My friend Hemi said he wants to do something tomorrow night. Sounds fun and will probably do whatever something is. I will study. I will conquer this weekend. I will leave with some pictures of my bundle of JOY.
At School..
Monday 02/16 - Work. Visited my parents. Haven't seen them in about a month. It's always good to see them. Love them. Went home. Ate. About all.
Tuesday 02/17 - Work - had a potluck and was great. Asian food and am stuffed after eating around 15 egg rolls - ha. At school (currently). Logging off here, heading to Starbucks and then class.
Meet Dom (yipee..)

Again, my name is Dominic - I usually go by Dom (occasionally dumb, dummy, Daddy, you get it). Like this picture, I like excitement, adventure, and now that I look closer at this picture, I like when people in the background of my pictures are staring into my foreground ass (scratch and sniff). Ha. I also get off on tangents often. If you haven't been able to tell, you will.
I am an Advertising Major and Business Entrepreneur Minor. I study at CSU Fullerton. This is my first semester there as a transfer student from (dare I say) LB Community College - I LOVE my new school! I am 110% focused on school since I know what I want to do in my life. I will explain more of this in future blogs - I don't wanna spoil the Tale of Dom. Yeah - made that one up but sounds like an epic.... right? Back to school - I am very focused with school and am eager to get far in the Ad industry. This industry is my passion. Enough said for now.
I will make an effort to write at least once a week for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy the show (blog.... whatever!).